Saturday, May 19, 2007


Touching and pleasing to the eye, this relatively old movie by Bernardo Bertolucci leaves you thinking about subtleties of feelings, beauty of love, importance of when and where you are born..among so many other things.

After watching the film I kept re-singing this Namjoo song in my head:
That you are born in Asia, is called "Geographical Determination".

This has been on my mind for quite a while now. A troubled mind looks at things differently. Many a time, it has happened to me that my interpretation of a situation, a look, or a conversation, has been the most absurd and often bothersome one possible.
After all, I am from Iran; to this day seeing a police car automatically makes me want to lower the volume of my car stereo; fire alarm awakens more than just fear of fire in my heart..

For me, on top of all that, there is a strong feeling of confusion about being female. All it has brought me, and so much I feel it has taken away from me. Limitations I feel like I face; justifications I feel like I owe to everyone. The image I feel I have to embody, and the fear I feel for not being able to live up to it. Fear of being judged for less than who I am by men..coexisting in my head with my own harsh judgment of my fellow women. Love I feel like I can give; chains I feel around my emotions..

Beautiful and painful all at the same time.

All that confusion..and geographical determination!

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