Thursday, May 24, 2007

Of Poetry and Madness

Poetry is a big part of my life. It has shaped who I am (and for that, it owes me a big explanation if not an apology). It has formed the way I think about life, love, friendship, honesty, dignity... It has changed the way I talk (and has caused miscommunication in many ocasions : the only thing that comes to my mind is a poem and the person on the other side would not understand it..).
I was telling a friend just recently, that I think I belong to the time where these poems were written; the time when you could afford to sit and write poems and feel your feelings..certainly not modern times.
Haifz is a great man. His poetry is beautiful and thought provoking..It speaks to your heart. There is something about him that you trust. I imagine him as a wise man with a "know it all" kind of a smile, with a glass of wine in his hands..
Molavi (Rumi), on the other hand, is INSANE. The man has what it takes to bring a whole nation to madness. He has jonoon. He is "sheydaa". His language is never as sophisticated as that of Hafiz, but, what he does to the heart is beyond explanation. It touches that harp of madness I have in my heart; it's something I cherish but keep hidden because it's not functional in our time. It's the feeling when you want to move your head and jump up and down and scream with pride of what's in your heart. You want to break, shake, love, chant...
Last night, I let my madness out. I indulged in the madness. I can't explain the feeling. It's just in your heart.

Degar Baare beshooridam, bedaan saanam be jaan e to
ke har badni ke bar bandi, bedarraanam be jaan e to
bikhod shode am liken, bikhod tar azin khaaham..
yek tarafi aabam azoo, yek tarafi naaram azoo...
miaan e khoonam o tarsam ke gar aayad khial e oo,
ze bikhishi khialash ra be khoon e dide aalaayam...

zakhme bezani, zakhme nazani..
eyyyyvaaaaaaaaaaay e man..

Jomleye bigharariat, az talab e gharar e tost
taaleb e bigharaar sho ta ke gharaar aayadat..

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